Seed and Crops

Hoober Feeds is proud to offer DEKALB® and Asgrow® seed products. To learn more, please click here.

In addition to seed sales, Hoober Feeds is proud to provide the Flex-Fit Crop Stabilizer Program for early order crop stabilizers. This program is designed to allow farmers to take advantage of making a spring commitment, but to not feel boxed in to a wrong decision. Here’s how it works:

1. Decide on the number of acres of hay and corn, either corn silage or high moisture grain, that you will be looking to treat with a crop stabilizer.

2. Calculate the anticipated yield of each crop.

3. Report the anticipated yield (in tons) to your Hoober Feeds representative. He will use that information to fill out a commitment form. That form will then be kept on file in our office and you will receive a copy.

4. As harvest time approaches, discuss crop stabilizer options with your Hoober Feeds representative. He will guide you as to the best options given the current conditions.

5. Order product in a timely manner so that we can deliver the product by the time you need it.

